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Day 3 in the Hospital -- March 03, 2003

Sam's fever is down. Gotta love those antibiotics. The ultrasound of his abdomen came back normal. His kidneys look great. We'll be able to bring him home tomorrow IF they can get a PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) into him so that we may continue administering IV antibiotics at home. The nurse who was on today didn't feel she could do it. Our last hope is the nurse on tomorrow: the "PICC line Queen". Fingers crossed.

Posted by Mindy at 7:00 PM | Comments (3)
if i didn't know better

had i not crested each wave of labor to your glorious
had i not been there for your debut
i would have thought you were dropped from heaven
your body damaged in the fall
but your spirit whole — big, beautiful and pure

never imagining my love to be so complete and selfless
not expecting my fierce desire to make your little body able
and perfect
or my fear to change anything
lest my meddling somehow diminish your beauty

You have captivated me
my sweet, imperfect angel
